Thursday 10 May 2012

Get in line for some boot scootin' in Abu Dhabi


Get in line for some boot scootin' in Abu Dhabi

There's a long summer ahead of us, and what better way to fill the stifling evenings than with a new hobby? Line dancing may not be the hippest activity around, but, as we found out when we went along to the first of the new fortnightly sessions being held at the Armed Forces Officers Club in Abu Dhabi, it's a lot more fun than it sounds. In fact, say you're going along to a line dancing evening and there will probably be a few raised eyebrows and a wry chuckle. In fact, I had the distinct feeling that many of them were longing to join in. In the end, a few of them did.

I may have begun the evening wryly chuckling to myself, but they had me when Moves Like Jagger pumped out of the sound system. I plan on going back in a couple of weeks with a group of friends. The odd kick and hip swing remind us of the dance's cowboy roots.

The great thing about it, she adds, is that it is inclusive. "You can be any age, any fitness level. Even my husband, who is usually allergic to dance floors, admitted he was enjoying himself. And next time I'll be certain to bring my cowboy boots. In fact, I had this inane grin spread across my face the whole night. Two steps to the left, clap, two to the right, clap. I wish I had worn cowboy boots.

Since the venue is a restaurant (Taverna at the Armed Forces Officers Club) complete with diners, I was worried that I would feel self-conscious boot-scootin' around the room while people ate their nachos. You don't require a partner and it's very sociable, so you can meet people.

Tattarakis has lived in Dubai for 29 years and founded The Dubai Liners, the city's only line dancing society, in 1998.

There is a small amount of instruction before each number, where Tattarakis takes the group through the moves. OK, I'm wearing the boots and the hat, but line dancing has really changed a lot and several line-dancing clubs now dance to disco music, pop music, Arab music and salsa. She choreographs most of the dances herself.

OK, so there are a couple of country numbers, but of the Faith Hill variety instead of the Willie Nelson one.

Get in line for some boot scootin' in Abu Dhabi

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 10/05/2012


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