Tuesday 15 May 2012

400 W. Rich St. to be an 'outlet' for disco, electronic music


400 W. Rich St. to be an 'outlet' for disco, electronic music

When Noir attendees enter the warehouse where the event is held, attendees dressed in black will be transported into another dimension in which elaborate visuals and electronic music flow together to mix the old with the new.

"It was just an outlet for us to have fun," said Scott Litch, president of Squared.

Columbus DJ Aaron Austen agreed.

"It will have a 'wow' factor where you walk down a hallway and turn and you see a crazy light stage," Austen said.

Litch agreed.

"We are trying to do something totally different, take it out of the bar environment and move it into a truly dance-club environment," Litch said.

"It was a chance to do what we loved, see who turned out and earn a couple of bucks while having fun," Austen said.

Attendees must bring their own alcohol and there will be a check-in for their beverages in a way similar to a coat check. Rich St.

Detroit DJs Brian Kage and Luke Hess, and producer Seth Yender are scheduled to perform at the event, which is an official pre-party for the Movement Electronic Music Festival, which is scheduled to run in Detroit May 26-28.

Video production artist JR Gualtieri, an OSU alumnus, will be doing the event visuals, which are required to be a main attraction, Litch said.

"Let me put it this way, with what we are doing on the video projections, a lot of light would take away from what JR is going to accomplish," Litch said.

Attendees are encouraged to wear all black to Noir in an attempt to keep the focus on the party, Litch said.

A percentage of the proceeds from the door, concessions and sale of sponsored products will go toward Share Our Strength's No Kid Hungry campaign to end childhood hunger in the United States.

Noir will also have giveaways early in the evening.

"The idea is to have a gift bag filled with gifts, discounts from local stores and perhaps some swag," Litch said.

Run614 is a partner for the event.

Austen said the event's goal is to create a dance-club environment that also drops jaws.

Austen, owner/operator of Run614 Productions, is also scheduled to perform at Noir in a set with DJ Jason Allen and Ill Atmospherics percussionist Don Carlos.

"You check it in and they will either write your name down or give you a number that will correlate with a ticket that they give you to carry," Austen said.

DJ Dedikate, whose real name is Seth Carter, will be spinning some disco, retro house and funk/soul music. Friday in a warehouse located at 400W.

400 W. Rich St. to be an 'outlet' for disco, electronic music

Trade News selected by Local Linkup on 15/05/2012


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